Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Spoooky Salem!

 In case you were wondering, my fabulous voyage to Salem did not avoid the spooky festivities for which the town is famous.  We went on an awesome ghost tour!

While Melissa may have been wary, it wasn't too scary - more historical.  (Which I LOVE.  Check me out with my new boyfriend, Eric the Revolutionary War tour guide.  Damn, what is it about Colonial garb that gets me?)   

Hot, right? 

This grave was struck by lightning - woah!

We visited several churches and grave sites and heard some spooky stories.  I didn't glimpse any ghosts, but it was fun anyway!

 Oddly enough, some of my graveyard pics had lots of orbs visible, while my street pictures didn't.  Are those spirits?  Not sure, but could be!

 Very scary: this woman's miniature hat. 

This house is allegedly haunted too - plus, orbs!  Maybe? 

 Eric was very informative.  He really got into it.  And that is a wig, yes. 

 Afterwards we had fun dancing at Rockafellers!  A fun cover band kept the tunes coming. 

Poor Sasha impaled her thumb while preparing us some garlic bread, but she was a trooper. 

 Lastly, we visited the Bewitched statue to round out the night.  A very fun evening, I do say!

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted to go there. And you are my 2nd penpal to go in the last few monthes wow
