So, until now I haven't done anything with the apples I picked last weekend (other than handing them out to unsuspecting friends/coworkers). Lame, I know.

PLUS I couldn't find the bottom of my 9 inch spring form pan (note to friends and loved ones: if you have a wayward metal disc at your house that you can't identify, call me!). Luckily I have an 8 inch and a 10 inch too. But sheesh, so many obstacles!
A variety of things kept me from them - I had to finish my very first etsy order (woo hoo!), I needed a new vegetable peeler so I would not slice up my fingers and/or hurl mangled apples about the apartment,
I had a fabulous dinner engagement (did you see my detailed report of 16 Handles?), and one time I was tired.

I did have an idea of what I wanted to make, though, once I got around to it: this. (If you haven't checked out smitten kitchen yet, do it now!) Finally, Sunday night rolled around and I was ready to go!
I couldn't find my box grater, and my new vegetable peeler is not the greatest. I might have to invest in a decent one, rather than one that cost $1.40. That is for another day, though.
My hand cramped up a little from my new (old) sifter that I scored at Brooklyn Flea.
I didn't have lemon yogurt or Sambuca handy, but I made do (also, I don't like Sambuca). 

I found out it was my roommates birthday midway through peeling apples, so I doubled the recipe, and made a mini cake for her:
In the end though, I've used up almost all of my apples, the cake came out well and I was the hero of the Monday morning work day (despite my ridiculous 1 hour 45 minute commute, but that's another story). It is a super moist and lovely cake, and would be great for for breakfast or dessert.
Try it yourself!
adapted from The New Spanish Table, via Smitten Kitchen
Unsalted butter for greasing the pan
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour (I used whole wheat, because I live on the edge)
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
4 large eggs
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1 cup lemon yogurt (I used plain, you can pick your favorite)
1/4 cup anise liquor (I used rum)
1/2 cup olive oil
3 cups finely diced/shredded peeled and cored baking apples
Confectioners sugar for dusting the cake
Creme fraiche for serving (optional)
1. Position rack at center of oven and preheat to 350 degrees F. Butter and flour a 9 inch spring form pan. (If you don't have a spring form you could use what you have - my mini cake in a 9 inch layer cake pan was fine).
2. Sift flour and baking powder together in bowl. In a separate bowl, beat eggs and granulated sugar together with an electric mixer until fluffy and pale yellow (1 minute). Beat in yogurt and liqueur until smooth. Working in batches, beat in sifted flour, alternating with olive oil. Fold in apples.
3. Scrape batter into prepared pan and smooth it with a spatula. Bake until the top is golden and the cake springs back when you touch it, 55 to 65 minutes. Let cool.
4. Run a thin knife around the side of cake to loosen it. Remove the sides and bottom of the pan and place on a platter or serving plate. Wrap loosely in plastic until ready to serve. Serve sprinkled with confectioners sugar and creme fraiche if desired.
this also looks awesome, I *love* smitten kitchen, I have a huge list of stuff I want to bake from it
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