The other day I had to buy soy milk. I actually bought some during my lunch break but forgot it in the fridge at work - darn! I considered just waiting to bring it home the next day, but after eating my frosted mini wheats doused in yogurt I realized that was not the best idea. So, I swung by the grocery store on my way home from work.
It was trash day, so people had put large items - broken furniture, lamps, etc - by the curb for the garbage man to pick up the next morning. I saw a man unloading this table, but I carried on to the store. After picking up my milk I retraced my steps and the table was there! I snagged it and brought it home with me, balancing my purse, gym bag, and soy milk on top. (Luckily I was only a few blocks from home).
I know, its not pretty. But I think I can do something with it! Its wood and seems pretty sturdy. Yet I haven't decided what to do with it - paint it? Cover the top with tile, or try my hand at mosaic? Decoupage? Put some fabric on it with mod podge? Lots of possibilities...
What do you think? I would love some ideas!